Does Getting a Dental Crown Hurt?

February 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — skillmanfamily @ 6:37 pm
closeup of person with dental crown smiling

If you have a severely damaged or infected tooth, your dentist may inform you that you need to get a dental crown. This is a small cap shaped like the visible part of a tooth. It covers the entire tooth to restore its look, function, and structure. if you’ve never had a crown placed before, you may be wondering what you can expect from the procedure. Will it hurt? Continue reading to learn if this procedure is painful as well as how it works.

Does Getting a Dental Crown Hurt?

Fortunately, getting a dental crown is relatively painless. One reason for this is that your dentist will numb the area with a local anesthetic before proceeding. This will prevent any pain or discomfort. Additionally, for patients who have trouble sitting in the dental chair for long period or who are scared of receiving treatment, sedation can help keep them calm.

The area surrounding the tooth may feel somewhat tender in the first few weeks after you have a dental crown placed. Taking over-the-counter pain relievers will help you prevent pain as well as manage any discomfort or sensitivity you’re feeling.

How the Dental Crown Procedure Works

As previously mentioned, your dentist will start by numbing the area. They will then remove any areas of decay and thoroughly clean the tooth. Once finished, the tooth will be filled with a tooth-colored material to create a tight seal. It will then be reshaped to ensure that the crown fits over it without making your smile bulky or disrupting your bite.

Then, they will take impressions of the tooth to send to the dental lab so they can create a custom crown. It will be color-matched to the surrounding teeth so it blends in perfectly with the rest of your smile.

Once they get the crown back from the dental lab, your dentist will have you come back into their office to have it placed. Adjustments will be made if needed. Once the crown has been placed, your new smile will be complete.

About the Practice

Skillman Family Dentistry is a practice based in Dallas that gives patients the exceptional oral health care they need to maintain healthy beams. They offer a variety of restorative treatments to repair damaged smiles, including dental crowns. These caps protect your smile from harm and make your smile look as healthy and happy and ever before. Call Skillman Family Dentistry at (469) 998-9822 or visit their website if you want more information on dental crowns or to set up an appointment with Dr. Henry Lu.

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